

现任南方科技大学创新创意设计学院助理教授,建筑师和设计研究者,研究兴趣包括城市心理学和复杂条件下的环境行为表现。她的研究回应了可持续发展目标中关于心理健康和社会/环境可持续发展的议程,特别关注通过增加专业实践者、学者和多学科专家之间的对话,实施设计响应,以应对未来城市密度。她在意大利威尼斯建筑大学获得学士和硕士学位,并获得了建筑执业许可证,后在香港博士奖学金计划(HKPFS)资助下,就读于香港城市大学并获博士学位。在悉尼担任建筑师后,她曾作为特邀讲师任教于多所国际性大学和机构,包括意大利威尼斯建筑大学、Atelier Europe China 威尼斯建筑大学/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院(Atelier Europe China IUAV/CAUP Tongji University)、FAB Fabrica De Ciudad(墨西哥城)、香港城市大学、香港大学和奥雅纳(ARUP)香港。她还曾在意大利威尼斯担任国家工业计划4.0项目的研究员,该项目由欧洲社会基金计划资助并与威尼斯建筑大学、RE-VEGA Group、威尼斯科技园、威内托大区和威尼斯东方大学合作。在加入南方科技大学之前,她任职于香港大学,同时也是国际城市化论坛(IFoU)YA团队的积极成员。更多信息请见:https://www.mirnazordan.com



Zordan, M.* and Je, S. (2024) Brain-Load, Stress Levels, and Visual Complexity: Digital Tools for the Detection of Intangible Human-Environment Interactions. XRDS 30, 3 (Spring 2024), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.1145/3652617


Zordan, M.* , Maree, P.J.H. (2024). Visual complexity, stress levels, and restorative environments: 1/f noise analysis for a better understanding of Intangible Human-Environment Interactions. Changing Cities VI: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage and Socio-Economic dimensions, Rhodes, Greece, June 2024.


Zordan, M*.; Tsou, J.Y., Chen, J., Huang, H. (2024).Resilient public spaces under psychological distress: a closer look at high-density urban streets’ vibrancy in Hong Kong. Changing Cities VI: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage and Socio-Economic dimensions, Rhodes, Greece, June 2024.


Yang, Y., Zordan, M.* (2024). Exploring Fractal Dimensions in Shenzhen's Urban Villages: Natural Patterns for Stress Reduction in High-Density Areas. Changing Cities VI: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage and Socio-Economic dimensions, Rhodes, Greece, June 2024.


Zordan, M.*; Tsou, J.Y., Huang, H. (2023). Street Vibrancy and Outdoor Activities under COVID-19 Psychological Distress: Lessons from Hong Kong. Land 12, 1896. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12101896 


Huang, H., Shi, H., Zordan, M., Lo, S.M., Tsou, J.Y. * (2023). Investigating the Spatiotemporal Relationship between the Built Environment and COVID-19 Transmission. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 12, 390. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi12100390  


Zordan, M.* & Tsou, J.Y. (2022). Willingness to experience urban environments, stress levels, and contagion risk perceptions before and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. International Conference on Environment and Human Health: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, August 2022.


Zordan, M.*, & Tsou, J.Y. (2020). Mass transitional uses of Public Open Spaces under the spread of COVID-19 and the support of virtual infrastructures. A call for future cities design and planning in Urbanism in the Mobile Internet Era: Proceedings of the 13th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism 2020. Netherlands, 13th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU 2020), Nanjing, China, 9/10/20.


Zordan, M. *, & Tsou, J.Y. (2020). Urban Transitions in Pandemic Scenarios: Insights from Hong Kong. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, vol. 5, no. 17, pp. 55-70. https://doi.org/10.21834/jabs.v5i17.376 


Zordan, M.*, & Tsou, J.Y. (2020), Behavioural Contagion in Hong Kong Urban Space under Mass Psychological Distress. in MY Abbas, RMA El-Zeiny, MA Kamal, P Atmodiwirjo, M Bisadi, R Gy Hashim, H Zhang & CC Turkyilmaz (eds), Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, no. 14, vol. 5, pp. 303-310, AIVCE-BS-1: AMERABRA International Virtual Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies, 1st Series, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 24/06/20. https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5i14.2161 


Zordan, M.*, Talamini, G., & Villani, C. (2019). The Association between Ground Floor Features and Public Open Space Face-To-Face Interactions: Evidence from Nantou Village, Shenzhen. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 16, no. 24, 4934. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16244934


Wang, L., Tosi, M.C., Zordan, M., Villani, C., Maroso, S., Pellizer, A., Aymonino, A., & Talamini, G. (2018). Walkable Cities in High Density China: Livable, Healthy And Sustainable. Tongji University Press, Shanghai.