


现任南方科技大学创新创意设计学院助理教授,交互设计实践者、研究者和教育者,广东省珠江人才计划青年拔尖人才。他的研究专注于微交互、交互原型以及描述交互的形式化方法。罗教授在广州中山大学获得数学与应用数学学士学位,在韩国国民大学获得交互设计硕士和博士学位。他曾担任国民大学助理教授和韩国公司 SK Telecom 的 UX 设计经理,负责智能手机、手表以及汽车应用的交互设计。罗教授是10项交互发明专利的主要发明人(中国、美国、韩国),著有《交互设计语言:与万物对话的艺术》一书(清华大学出版社),并开发了基于该语言的编辑和原型工具。自2019年起,他以及培养的学生们在学校与企业中,通过该语言及其工具产出的交互发明专利申请累计40余项(中国、美国、韩国)。通过从设计的视角探究交互的深层规律,罗教授致力于提高设计师在各类平台上创新交互的效率,用极致、细腻、优雅的交互形式,把不断进步的技术转化成令人愉悦的用户体验。他的主要工作请参考:www.ixdlanguage.org。



Luo Tao (2016). Information as causality: An approach to a general theory of information, Journal of Information Science, 42(6), 821-832, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551515612662.


Luo Tao (2018). Interaction Design Language: Designing the Beauty of Interactions, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing. ISBN: 978-7-302-51533-3.


Luo Tao (2019). Universal Interactive Gesture Dictionary, UXPA Korea Press. ISBN: 979-11-90120-08-1.


Luo Tao (2019). IxDL Editor (version 1.0) [Sketch Design System]. Available at: http://ixdlanguage.org/usage/ixdl-editor/?lang=en (Downloaded: 22 September 2021).


Luo Tao (2020). IxDL Engine (version 1.0) [Origami Studio Plugin]. Trial version is available at: http://ixdlanguage.org/usage/ixdl-engine/install-instructions/?lang=en.


Luo Tao, Liu Haiyan, Jin Zhouxiong, Lee Yichieh, Nan Jinghong, Zheng Ling, and Guo Fen (2020). Mobile terminal and method for controlling the same, Korean Intellectual Property Office Patent no. 10-2149465. DOI: 10.8080/1020190032850.


Luo Tao, Zheng Ling, Jeon Hyemi, and Jung, Yuri (2020). Mobile terminal and method for controlling the same, Korean Intellectual Property Office Patent no. 10-2149481. DOI: 10.8080/102090008377.


Luo Tao, Guo Haoyue, Lee Yichieh, Jin Zhouxiong, Nan Jinghong, Jo Wonheung, Hwang AYoung, Erica Pellegatta, and Kang Yaejin (2021). Mobile terminal and method for controlling the same, Korean Intellectual Property Office Patent no. 10-2258313. DOI: 10.8080/1020190132528.


Luo Tao, Guo Haoyue, Lee Yichieh, Jin Zhouxiong, Nan Jinghong, Jo Wonheung, Hwang AYoung, Erica Pelegatta, and Kang Yaejin (2021). Mobile terminal and method for controlling the same, Korean Intellectual Property Office Patent no. 10-2293303. DOI: 10. 8080/1020190132510.