


现任南方科技大学创新创意设计学院教授,从事设计教育和研究超过25年,拥有丰富的国际经验。他是设计学院设计控制论小组的负责人。他曾在香港理工大学教授交互系统设计以及工业和产品设计超过十年,在西交利物浦大学教授建筑和工业设计十年;曾任国立成功大学和洪堡大学访问学者。他在卡塞尔大学获得教育学博士学位,在皇家墨尔本理工大学获得建筑和设计学博士学位。他发表过一百余篇经同行评审的学术论文。他目前为设计研究学会成员,控制论学会成员,国际系统与控制论科学院认证人才以及美国控制论学会所颁发的Warren McCulloch奖得主。他的研究领域包括设计计算、设计控制论、设计几何学以及数字媒体。



Thomas Fischer, Chitraj Bissoonauth, Haowen Liang, and Jiaming Bai (2024). Enabling cross-morphological performance comparison: A case study in heat management design, Materials & Design, 239, 112826. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2024.112826 [Open Access]


Thomas Fischer and Andrei Cretu (2023). The Ashby Box: A Contextualization and Speculative Remake, in: Diego Gómez-Venegas, (ed.), Frictions: Inquiries into Cybernetic Thinking and Its Attempts towards Mate[real]ization, Meson Press, Lüneburg, 163-193. ISBN: 978-3-95796-216-4 [Open Access]


Thomas Fischer (2022). A theory for enquiry in design PhD research, Proceedings of  RSD11 Possibilities and Practices of Systemic Design, Brighton, UK. URL: https://rsdsymposium.org/a-theory-for-enquiry-in-design-phd-research.


Guillermo Sánchez Sotés, Christiane M. Herr and Thomas Fischer (2022). What to make of the appropriation of autopoiesis in architecture? Proceedings of  RSD11 Possibilities and Practices of Systemic Design, Brighton, UK. URL: https://rsdsymposium.org/what-to-make-of-the-appropriation-of-autopoiesis-in-architecture.


Chitraj Bissoonauth, Christiane M. Herr, and Thomas Fischer (2022). An empirical study of understanding in order to act and acting in order to understand in digital design practice, Proceedings of  RSD11 Possibilities and Practices of Systemic Design, Brighton, UK. URL: https://rsdsymposium.org/empirical-study-of-understanding-in-digital-design-practice.


Thomas Fischer and Thomas Wortmann (2022). Algebraic analysis and reconstruction of the Philips Pavilion’s hyperbolic paraboloid surfaces, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 20(1), 61–75. DOI: 10.1177/14780771221082253.


Thomas Fischer and Bernd Ulmann (2022). The Analog Thing – First Steps, anabrid, Berlin. URL: https://the-analog-thing.org/THAT_First_Steps.pdf.


Thomas Fischer (2020). Narratives of exploration: From "Failure is not an option" to "Try again. Fail again. Fail better", Kybernetes, 49(8), 2091-2108, DOI: 10.1108/K-07-2019-0502.


Thomas Fischer (2019). Transcomputability, (Glanville's Corollary of) Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety, and epistemic processes, Kybernetes, 48(4), 793-804, DOI: 10.1108/K-11-2017-0457.


Thomas Fischer and Christiane M. Herr (2019). An introduction to design cybernetics, in: Thomas Fischer and Christiane M. Herr (eds.), Design Cybernetics. Navigating the New, Springer, Cham, 1-23. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18557-2_1.


Thomas Fischer (2018). Kybernetic für Medienwissenschaftler, in: Stefan Hoeltgen, Thorsten Schoeler, Johannes Maibaum, and Thomas Fischer (eds.), Medientechnisches Wissen Band 2: Informatik, Programmieren, Kybernetik, DeGruyter, Oldenburg, 273-433. ISBN: 978-3-11-049625-3.


Christiane M. Herr and Thomas Fischer (2018). Building information modeling adoption in the context of the Chinese AEC industries: An extended BIM adoption model, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 6(2), 173-178, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcde.2018.06.001. 


Thomas Fischer (2017). A cybernetic perspective on determinability and design research, Kybernetes, 46(9), 1588-1596, DOI: 10.1108/K-10-2016-0269.


Thomas Fischer and Laurence D. Richards (2017). From goal-oriented to constraint-oriented design: The cybernetic intersection of design theory and systems theory, Leonardo Journal, 50(1), 36-41, DOI: 10.1162/LEON_a_00862.


Thomas Fischer (2015). Wiener's prefiguring of a cybernetic design theory, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 34(3), 52-59, DOI: 10.1109/MTS.2015.2461172.


Thomas Fischer (2014). Scientific research into designing, while doing justice to designing, Architectural Science Review, 57(4), 240-248, open access, DOI: 10.1080/00038628.2014.958128.


Thomas Fischer (2014). Circular causality and indeterminism in machines for design, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 3(4), 368-375, open access, DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2014.06.003.