Nov 23. 2022 - Latest News
On November 23, 2022, Tencent CDC-SUSTech School of Design Academic Symposium was held at the transition campus of SUSTech School of Design (hereinafter referred to as "the School"). CHEN Yan, General Manager of Tencent CDC and related experts, Professor Tom KVAN, Dean of the School, Dr. LI Xu, Vice Dean of Administration, and representatives of professors attended the meeting.
At the meeting, CHEN Yan, Director of the Design Center CHEN Xiaochang and Senior Designer OU Long shared Tencent CDC's experiential innovation projects in the fields of accessibility, medical care and mental health. Prof. Marcel SAGESSER, Prof. JE Seungwoo, Prof. LI Xueliang and Prof. AN Pengcheng of the School presented their latest research results in the fields of sound technology, collaborative design, mental health design research, and art therapy with artificial intelligence, respectively.
After sharing the reports, the Tencent CDC team and the professors from the School had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the further exploration of socialized mental health services, and the application of advanced technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality in the prevention of mental illness. They also discussed the joint exploration of the integration of industry and education, the transformation of scientific research results, and the new mode of cultivating innovative design talents, hoping to strengthen communication and cooperation in the future and promote the synergistic development of the School and Tencent CDC.
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