Marcel Zaes SAGESSER


Position: Assistant Professor

Professor SAGESSER, also known under the artist name Marcel Zaes, is an artist and researcher in sound, digital media and music composition. He holds a PhD in Computer Music and Multimedia from Brown University, and MA degrees in media arts and in music composition from Bern University of the Arts and Zurich University of the Arts, respectively. In his work, SAGESSER focuses on the manifold ways in which humans craft their relationships with sounding technologies, and how sound is always embedded in a larger sociocultural context. His research includes work on experimental rhythm machines, digital sound archives, noise culture, sound in public space, critical user interface design, popular music, and “techno” culture in electronic music performance. SAGESSER has been awarded a number of grants and art prizes, has played numerous concerts and taken part in group exhibitions internationally, has repeatedly been an artist in residence, and has had his works performed by ensembles internationally. To date, he has published eleven musical records.


Selected Output:

Sagesser, Marcel Zaes (2021). "#otherbeats: A Hypermediated Playback System in WEb Audio." ICMC International Computer Music Conference 2021 Proceedings, 185-191.


Sagesser, Marcel Zaes (2021). "#otherbeats: Performing a Participatory Archive of Social Rhythm." In New Interfaces for Musical Expression NIME 2021. Shanghai, China: NIME 2021. 


Sagesser, Marcel Zaes (2021). "From Listening to Playing - Browser-Based Sound-Making in #otherbeats." In: SEAMUS Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States 2021 Digital Conference. The United States. 


Sagesser, Marcel Zaes (2020). "Deviant and REsistant Time Grids of the Pandemic." In Sounds of the Pandemic Conference. The University of Florence Italy. 

Sagesser, Marcel Zaes (2019). "Resisting the Grid - Performing Asynchrony." In Rhythm in Music Since 1900 Conference. University of Colorado, Boulder CO, United States. 


Zaes, Marcel. With Brian House and Annie Aries (2021). "Metric Displacement." Art Installation. Invited, curated, and produced by Swissnex San Francisco in Beyond 2020. San Francisco, CA, United States. 


Zaes, Marcel (2020). "Setting #23." Art Installation. Invited, curated, and produced by CHIME Fest Circulations. The University of Chicago. Chicago, IL, United States. 


Zaes, Marcel (2019). "Quartet No. 10." Live performance with Kukuruz Quartet. Invited and produced by Italian Academy at Columbia University. New York, NY, United States. 


Zaes, Marcel (2018). "Pulsations." Live performance with multimedia. Invited and produced by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Cultural Council, New Delhi. Performed at Oddbird Theatre, New Delhi, India. 


Zaes, Marcel (2018). "Pulsations." Long play record. Invited, produced, and published by Dumpf Edition. Zurich, Switzerland.